A new venture - the first ‘KOS Big Kent Bird Migration Watch’ - 28th September 2023
Kent Ornithological Society - KOS - organised and co-ordinated a one day event in Kent on Saturday 28th September - ‘The Big Kent Bird Migration Watch’ to draw public attention to the annual migration of thousands of birds over the County, some leaving our Winter for warmer climes, and some arriving to spend a relatively milder winter in the UK than that which they would experience in their breeding grounds.
Our county - being the bit of the UK that is closest to Europe - is of course a key territory for many bird species arriving in the country or passing through it to breeding grounds further North in Spring and Autumn.
Importantly, migration watches are one of the ways in which changes in bird populations are noted and tracked. The aim of this particular day was to widen public awareness of bird migration and to raise the profile of KOS as an influential voice in conservation issues within our attractive County.
Evidence from accross the County indicate that our first KOS Bird Migration Watch was a success, with many observers participating during the day. Blessed with a sunny day, there were also encouraging numbers of visitors and particpants especially at SBBO, Samphire Hoe, Dungeness RSPB and the Observatory. Members sent in good numbers of records from across the County and the drama of wildlife migration was celebrated and recorded. A more detailed review of the species and highlights will appear in due course but THANKS to all our members (and non member observers) who partcipated in this first "Big Kent Bird Migration Watch' and thanks too for the hard work of the KOS volunteers and others from partner organisations who thought up the idea and put it into practice. We shall be doing it again in 2025!
Following a review by the Executive Committee a revision of the Society’s rules is proposed to reflect changing working practices and communications in a digital age. For example like many organisations, we switched to on-line meetings via zoom during the pandemic but this is not reflected in the rules. The Committee would like to invite comments and observations from members before the new rules are proposed for adoption at the next AGM.
Comments should be made to the The Hon. Secretary Peter Eerdmans This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 30th September.
The revised and existing rules are attached
For those cooler days that will soon be here - beanie hats are now available from the online store.
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