Andre Farrar, KOS Chairman, writes:-

 "Old Park and Chequers Wood has risen to prominence recently as housing proposals and road schemes have threatened a little-known nature rich corner of Canterbury. A patchwork of ancient woodland, scrub and open acid grassland supports a diversity of wildlife including Turtle Doves and a significant number of Nightingales breeding at close to record densities.

The growing threats to the area have prompted greater interest and realisation that this hidden gem has been out of sight and out of mind for too long. There is now an active campaign building to protect the site but also to highlight what a special place Old Park and Chequers Wood is and to ensure that the habitats and the wildlife they support are recognised as an important asset in the heart of Canterbury.

KOS is delighted to support this campaign and we have signed the Common Position developed as an initial response to the consultation on the Canterbury local plan. The Common Position is attached, and you can find out more here.

We are encouraging KOS members to submit comments to the Canterbury City Council’s Local Plan 2045, the details are set out below.



The draft Local Plan 2045 was drawn up by Canterbury City Council, and we have until 5pm 16 January 2023 to comment on the proposals. The Plan is a huge document and covers the whole district, but we are concerned with the lack of mention of a vision for the protection of the Old Park and Chequers Wood, Realm and Timpson Woods, as well as the impact of the plans for an Eastern Movement Corridor (bypass) through the northern edge of Chequers Wood and proposals for a housing development at the Golf Club.In the longer term our vision is for an interconnected area where Old Park, Chequers Wood, the Golf Course and the Sturry Road Community Park are considered part of a larger entity (e.g. a Great Park or an intrinsic part of the Stour Valley Regional Park) which is managed in a coherent way for the recovery of nature and the wellbeing of people.
Why should you comment?  
Your comments on the Local Plan could make the difference between parts of this wonderful open space being irreversibly damaged – or protected for the future enjoyment of both people and wildlife.
How can you comment?
The City Council would like us to respond by filling in the online questionnaire.  Alternatively, you can send in your comments in writing to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are not sure what to say in your comments, we have prepared a guidance document with points you could make with regard to Old Park and Chequers Wood for you. Click the link below to download it.Local Plan 2045 Consultation GuideWe’ve summarised the evidence into bullet points for you to use, but please respond in your own words as the council will merge all duplicated responses into one so your individual voice won’t be heard.
To go to the online version of the Plan and make your comments please follow this link:
Scroll down to the 'Have Your Say' section and click on ‘Completing our questionnaire.  On the first page of the questionnaire you will be asked to tick boxes to say on which parts of the Local Plan you want to comment.  To comment on the sections relevant to Old Park and Chequers Wood, click on:
• Chapter 1 Spatial Strategy for the District (for the relevant SS numbers)
• Chapter 2 Canterbury (for the golf course and bypass) 
• Chapter 6 District Wide Strategic Policies (for the relevant DS numbers) 
• Chapter 7 Development Management Policies (for the relevant DM numbers) "

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