To celebrate the wonder and science of birds migrating to and from the county, the Kent Ornithological Society and partners are holding a day of co-ordinated birdwatching, ringing* and recording at the sites below. Send in your sightings or come along and see some of our fantastic feathered visitors to learn about their amazing annual journeys.

When is it?

28 September 2024. 


How can I take part?


  • Go birding

Send in your bird sightings (particularly of migratory species) in Kent. Sightings can be sent in via X/Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag - #kentbirdmigrationday

  • Volunteer 

KOS members are invited to help by providing a presence at any of the sites involved to assist  with walks, watchpoints etc. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.if you can help even if just for a couple of hours. 

  • Visit one of the participating sites

Dungeness RSPB - 1000-1600hrs

Activities to be confirmed

Access to the visitor centre and car park is free but a charge is payable for non-members who wish to enter the main reserve and walk round the nature trail.


Samphire Hoe - 1000-1600hrs

The Hoe will be the central site for the day where the sightings will be collated. Visitors will be able to participate in bird walks, watch licenced ringers from the East Kent Wildlife Group process any birds caught on site and learn about the different journeys that birds migrating to/from/through Kent are making. There will also be an exhibition on migration in the Education Shelter.

Two guided walks are planned 1000hrs and 1400hrs - Meet at the Office.

Parking charges apply on site - visit for details.


Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory - 0900-1600hrs

Visit the observatory

Join a guided walk

Ringing demonstrations during the morning

Talks on bird migration at 1400hrs and 1500hrs.

The Observatory is within the Privately owned Sandwich Bay Estate so a small charge applies for non-members visiting the Observatory. Refreshments will be on sale throughout the day


Please note activities at all sites may be subject to the weather and anyone taking part anywhere is requested be safe and dress appropiately for the weather.

If you can display a poster advertising the event you can download a copy here.

Big Kent Big Migration Watch Poster



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Website design and build by Garganey Consulting