Kent Bird Report

The Kent Bird Report is published every year and describes the status of each species in Kent and a summary of birds recorded during the year of the review.

The report also contains periodic articles about different aspects of bird life and ornithology in the county

All paid up members receive a free copy of the Kent Bird Report as it is published and sent directly to the member's home address.

The latest report covering 2022 was published in October 2024. We anticipate the 2023 report being available in August 2025.

Copies of the latest report and some back copies are available from Chris Roome, Rowland House, Station Road, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0PY (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at £18.00 including postage and packaging.


Editor(s): Keith Privett

Eleonora's Falcon - A new bird for Kent - Neil Davies & Andrew Lipczynski

Tibetan Sand Plover - A new bird for Kent - Gus Wilson

Short-toed Eagle - A new bird for Kent - Richard Bonser & Jamie Partridge

Yellow-browed Bunting - A new bird for Kent - Ian Hunter & Stefan Walton

The JNCC Seabird Count in Kent 2018-2021 - Murray Orchard

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Baccalaureate Diploma of Turle Dove Habitat Selection (abb) - James King

Grey Heron Nesting in Kent - Brian Watmough

A Register of Swift nest sites in East Kent - RJ Douthwaite, R Long, B Andrews, V Wenban & H Paine

The KOS Turtle Dove Survey 2021 - Murray Orcard and Nicole Khan

Eyebrowed Thrush - A New Bird for Kent - Norman McCanch and Alison Watkin

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Masked Shrike (Lanius nubicus) - A new bird for Kent - Derek Smith

Crag Martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris) -  A new bird for Kent - Nigel Jarman & Heather Chantler

Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) - A new bird for Kent - Neil Davis, Andrew Lipczynski & Martin Sutherland

Eastern Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla tschutschensis) - Sound recordings of a new bird for Kent - Martin Sutherland

Autumn migration of Reed and Sedge Warblers in reedbeds of South Swale LNR - Jan Pritchard and Brian Watmough

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Roof Nesting in Gulls in Folkestone & Hythe 2019 - Ian Roberts

The problem with Pine Buntings at Reculver - Chris Hindle

The Old Hundreds, Elmstone: a long-term breeding survey-  Alastair Henderson

The Breeding Bird Survey: the results for Kent and how to take part-  Bob Knight, Murray Orchard and Andrew Henderson

Editor(s): Keith Privett

American Black Tern - a first for Kent. Stephen Message

Help a farmer to help farmland birds. Ray Morris

The Hooded Crow In Lincolnshire and Kent. Andrew Henderson

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Storm Petrels in Kent waters. Norman McCanch

Pine Bunting - A new bird for Kent. James Massey and Barry Wright

The Golden Eagle in Kent. Norman McCanch

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Operation Turtle Dove. Nichole Khan

Quex and the Turtle Dove Project. Anthony Curwen

Black-winged Stilt at Cliffe Pools. Will Tofts

Chinese Pond Heron - a new bird for Britain. Ian Roberts

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Ross’s Gull - a new bird for Kent. David Walker

Arcadian Flycatcher - a new bird for Kent. Martin Casemore

Rookery Counts in East Kent 2004-2015. John Websper

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Breeding waders in North Kent. Alan Johnson

The Kent Breeding Bird Atlas 2008-2013

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Hawfinch in Kent. Rob Clements

Nightingales in Kent in 2012. Andrew Henderson and Geoff Orton

Firecrest in Kent. Rob Clements

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Calandra Lark: a new species for Kent. Gary Howard and Steve Broyd

Nightingales in Kent in 2012. Andrew Henderson

Thanet coast Turnstone Monitoring. Ian Hodgson

Editor(s): Keith Privett

Blackpoll Warbler: a new species for Kent. Andy Appleton

The Hobby in Kent. Rob Clements

Editor(s): R.N. Mace

White-tailed Plover : a new species for Kent Walker, D

Obituary to Gordon Allison Johnson, A

Obituary to Geoffrey Munns Flegg, J

Obituary to Ray Turley Abrams, C

Editor(s): R.N. Mace

Tufted Puffin: a new species for Kent Wright, M E

Editor(s): R.N. Mace

The origins of Bar-tailed Godwits occurring in Kent Smith, R and Derrett, K

Green Heron: a new species for Kent Roberts, I A

Editor(s): R.N. Mace

The Bird Population at Bough Beech Langton, C

Editor(s): R.N. Mace

Obituary to David Davenport Wheeler, C

Storm Petrels in Kent, May 2006 Henderson, A and Walker, D

Zitting Cisticola: a new species for Kent Heading, R

Editor(s): T.N. Hodge & R.N. Mace

The Sparrowhawk in Kent: a population estimate Clements, R

The Common Buzzard in Kent: an update Clements, R

The Marsh Harrier in Kent and the 2005 Breeding Survey Oliver, P J

Trumpeter Finch: a new species for Kent Burton, G J A

Editor(s): T.N. Hodge & R.N. Mace

The Kestrel in Kent: a new population estimate Clements, R

Southern Grey Shrike : a new species for Kent Mills, J

Nightjars in Kent: 1981-2004 Orchard, M.J.

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Audouin’s Gull at Dungeness: a new species for Britain Walker, D

Paddyfield Warbler at Dungeness: a new species for Kent Walker, D

“Soft-plumaged” Petrel at Dungeness: a new species for Britain Inskipp, C & T

The Little Egret in Kent: a success story Allison, G

Water Rail survey in Kent: 2003 and 2005 Ellison, M

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Dartford Warbler Survey 2002 McCanch, N.

A Century of Dartford Warblers van der Dol, J.H.

Diet of Long-eared Owls on the Isle of Sheppey Oliver, P.

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Obituary – Dennis Batchelor Websper, J.

Obituary – Len Batchelor Hori, J.

Canvasback in Kent: new to Britain and Ireland Larkin, P. and Mercer, M.

Colour-ringed Mediterranean Gulls at Folkestone 1998-2002 Henson, R.

Rock Pipit Survey in Kent in 2001 Hodgson, I.

Firecrest in Kent in 2001 Henderson, A.C.B.

50 years ago – the first Kent Bird Report Braggs, J.

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Obituary – Majorie Hayes Flegg, J.J.M.

Obituary – E.C.Still Philp, E.

Obituary – Dennis Harle Batchelor, D.M.

Breeding Bird Survey results in Kent 1994-2000 Hodge, T.N.

Nightingales in Kent in 1999 Henderson, A.C.B.

A Review of the Birds of Prey in Kent Clements, R.

Fifty years of the Birds of Palmarsh Gravel Pit Norman, R.K.

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Species new to Kent – Blyth’s Reed Warbler Walker, D

Rare Waders in Kent 1960-1999 Bradshaw, C.G.

Tree Pipit holding territory in coastal habitat Orchard, M.J.

The Hobby in Kent : Current Status and Distribution Clements, R. and Rowlands, J.A.

A review of the 1915 Kingsdown Alpine Swift record Chantler, P.J.

Editor(s): J.A.Braggs

Obituary – H.A.R. (Harry) Cawkell Scott, R.E.

Great Crested Grebe Survey 1998 Henderson, A.C.B.

The Influx of Ring Ouzels in October Hodgson, I.P.

How many Corn Buntings are breeding on Romney Marsh? Busuttil, S

Population changes at Boughton Park and Wierton Hill Farm Taylor, D.W.

Editor(s): T.N.Hodge and I.P.Hodgson

Obituary – Peter Grant Scott, R.E.

Obituary – Brian Hawkes Sweeney, O.

Snow Buntings at Sandwich Bay Findley, P.W.J.

The Eighth Census of the Breeding Birds of the Medway and Swale Islands Smith, R.

Editor(s): T.N.Hodge

Species New to Kent – Little Crake Langton, C.

Species New to Kent – Hume’s Warbler Walker, D.

Birds of Great Chattenden Woods Orchard, M.J.

Corn Buntings on the Hoo Peninsula Orchard, M.J.

Marsh Harriers Breeding on Sheppey Rowlands, J.A.

The Use of Elmley Marshes for Winter Feeding by Wigeon and other dabbling ducks Oliver, P.J.

Golden Plover Survey January 1996 Hodge, T.N.

KOS Rookery Survey 1996/97 Martin, J.M.

Editor(s): T.N.Hodge

Species New to Kent – Citrine Wagtail Appleton, D.

Species New to Kent – American Coot Hindle, C.H.

Species New to Kent – Isabelline Wheatear Roberts, I.A.

The Kent Breeding Bird Atlas 1988-1994 Henderson, A.C.B. and Hodge, T.N.

Editor(s): T.N.Hodge

Species New to Kent – Blyth’s Pipit Rowlands, J.A.

Swallow x House Martin Hybrid Pritchard, J.

The RSPB in Kent Gilbert, S.A.

Editor(s): T.N.Hodge

Obituary – Richard Stone Flegg, J.J.M.

Kent Nightingale Survey 1994 Henderson, A.C.B.

Roof-Nesting Gulls in Kent 1994 – A Review Worsfold, D.C.H.

Ringed Plovers at Sandwich Bay Findley, P.W.J.

High Speed Rail Link Breeding Bird Survey (Part 2) Smith, R.

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Membership costs £15 a year. Member benefits include:

  • A free copy of the annual Kent Bird Report
  • Regular newsletters throughout the year
  • Special access to the bird sighting database
  • On line meetings and talks
  • Free guided field trips
  • Discount on the Kent Breeding Atlas

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