The KOS Turtle Dove Survey 2021 needs your help!

View the KOS Turtle Dove Survey 2021 website for details of how to take part and to select a square for survey.

Additional Turtle Dove Records

If people know of sites where they regularly record Turtle Doves, which are not included in the selected survey squares, please go ahead and survey if you are able and wish to do so. However, it’s important that you note the 1km square reference and that you survey the whole square using the instructions and recording form provided on the survey website. These squares will not be displayed on the survey map but the results will be used in the survey. Please submit results to the survey organiser as directed on the website.

Please submit all other records of Turtle Doves, outside the survey, to BirdTrack. Please give full details including date, accurate location (preferably 6-figure OS reference), number of birds, whether singing bird or pair etc plus any other relevant comments such as brief description of habitat. These casual records will be considered when the population estimate is calculated from the full survey results, and will be important for the Society records and contribution to RBBP.

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