Black Brant Branta bernicla nigricans

Rare but fairly regular winter vagrant


Medway, adult, February, no exact dates.


Leysdown/Shellness, one wintered and was joined by second bird from 8th December.


Shellness, one present, 20th-27th January, with two birds on 29th.


Sandwich Bay, one present, 21st March.


Swalecliffe, adult, 23rd October until 4th November, and was later seen in Sheppey and Reculver areas until at least 30th November.


Reculver, adult, 16th-24th February, and again on 9th March. Assumed to be the same bird as that of 1990.


Swale area. Single bird on several dates between 12th January and 25th February, with perhaps the same bird at Reculver/Minnis Bay from 4th-5th march.


South Medway estuary, two birds, 2nd November until end of year.


Allhallows, one present, 3rd December.


Allhallows, one present, 13th January, presumed same bird as December 1995.


Motney Hill, one over wintering from 25th November 1995, until 13th February.


St. Mary’s Marsh, one over wintering from 3rd December 1995, until 13th January.


Horsham Marsh, Medway, single bird, 18th January until 2nd February, is considered to be the same bird of winter 1995/96.

St. Mary's Bay, Thames, same bird 16th-23rd February.


Motney Hill, two birds, 7th April.


Motney Hill, one present, 2nd-30th November.


High Halstow, one present, 16th-23rd February, and again from 3rd-8th March.


South Medway, one present, 13th-25th April.


Dartford, single bird on Thames, 13th November.


Motney Hill, one bird, 1st-2nd October.


Shellness, 2nd-29th October, with presumably same bird Tankerton/Swalecliffe from 3rd November.

Joined by second bird 19th-26th November, with this bird remaining into 2001.

One of the two was also at Reculver on 2nd-3rd December.


Two birds remained from 2000, one at Reculver until 3rd March, and the other at Swalecliffe/Whitstable until 17th January.


Funton Creek, one present, 9th November.


Lower Halstow, adult present, 12th December.


Chetney Marshes, adult present, 2nd January, considered being same bird as 2004.


Harty Ferry, two adults, from 13th February, with one remaining until 24th February, and the other until 13th March.


Reculver, adult, 18th November, remaining until the year end, having been seen at Swalecliffe on 11th December.


Motney Hill, adult, 26th December.


Reculver, adult, remained from 2005 until 24th March.


Yantlet Creek/St. Mary's Marsh, first-winter, 6th-22nd January.


South Swale LNR, adult, 15th-16th November, and again at Reculver, 19th November to 7th December.


Lower Halstow, adult, on the Medway, 1st January.


Yantlet Beach, adult, 18th February, presumed to be the Lower Halstow bird.


Reculver, a different adult from Lower Halstow bird, 25th-26th February, then Swalecliffe on 28th, and back at Reculver 13th March, all presumed to be same bird.


Yantlet Creek/Allhallows, adult, 26th March, and again 23rd April until 19th May, presumed to be the same as January Lower Halstow and Yantlet bird.


Grain to Halstow Marshes, adult, seen several times, 17th November until 1st December.


Grain, adult, 27th-30th January, and perhaps same bird St. Mary's Bay 21st February.


Hoo flats, adult, 1st-5th May.


Cliffe, adult flew west, 4th November.


Swale, adult, 3rd-14th December.


Reculver, adult, 2nd-13th January.


Pegwell Bay, one present, 1st November.


Reculver, adult, 15th January.


Reculver, adult, 9th December.


Lower Halstow, adult, 18th-27th January, and again on 19th March.


Lower Halstow, adult, presumably same, 11th December to year end.


Lower Halstow, adult, 2nd-13th January, was no doubt the bird from 2013, while one at South Swale LNR on 14th was perhaps the same.


Dungeness, one flew west, 15th October.


Swalecliffe, adult, 20th October, was likely the returning bird, and was also seen at South Swale LNR on 9th November, Shellness on 16th November, and Lower Halstow on 17th and 19th December.


South Swale LNR, adult, from 2014, remained in the area until at least 13th January, with the bird at Hoo Saltmarsh on 30th March was perhaps the same individual.


Lower Halstow, single bird, 23rd January.


Swale, single bird, 5th-24th February.


South Swale LNR, two birds, 5th February.


Pegwell Bay/Foreness, single bird, 27th February until 7th March.


South Swale LNR, single bird, 8th October.


South Swale LNR, single bird, 15th-16th October.


Pegwell Bay, single bird, 25th October.


Chetney, single bird, 18th December.


Chetney, single bird, 15th January, may have been same as bird in Swalecliffe-Whitstable on 9th and 22nd.


South Swale LNR and Seasalter, two birds, February until 18th March.


Lower Halstow, single bird, 27th May.


Pegwell Bay, single bird on 30th November.


Lower Stoke, single bird, 18th March.


Shellness/Harty Marshes, two birds, 16th April.


Seasalter, single bird, 29th October.

2020 Seasalter, single bird, 22nd October.
2021 Reculver Marshes, adult, 14th-15th March.
  Seasalter, single bird, 12th-19th October.
  Seasalter and Swalecliffe, adult, 24th-25th November and 17th December.
  Reculver Marshes, adult, 4th-31st December.
  Funton Creek, adult, 11th-13th December.
2022 Reculver/Minnis Bay, the bird from 2021 remained until 7th March, and was joined by a second bird on 21st January, and 13th-25th February.
  Hoo Marshes, adult, present from 12th-20th January, assumed to be one of Reculver birds.
  Oare Marshes, adult, 22nd-23rd January, assumed to be one of Reculver birds.
  Swalecliffe, adult, 7th February, assumed to be one of Reculver birds.
  Seasalter, adult, 18th-20th March, assumed to be one of Reculver birds.
  Seasalter, one, possibly two, adults, 19th October until 3rd December.
  Reculver/Minnis Bay, adult bird, 29th-30th October.
2023 Swalecliffe/Whitstable, single bird, 2nd, and 20th February.
  North Foreland/Foreness, single bird, 27th February until 6th March.
  Lower Halstow, single bird, 6th March.
  Kingsdown, single bird, 12th March.
  Dover Harbour, single bird, 13th March.
  Seasalter, single bird, 30th October.
  Grenham Bay, single bird, 18th November until 30th December.
2024 Grenham Bay, single bird, remained from 2023 until 6th January.

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