Corvus cornix
Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor
The BOU took the decision in 2002 to split Hooded Crow from Carrion Crow, Corvus corone. With over 200 records in Kent to date, those records shown here are only representative since that split.
2003 |
Swale area, single bird, from 6th October to year end. First seen at Swale NNR, and then often both north and south of the Swale. |
Nether Hale, single bird, 27th November. |
2004 |
The over-wintering bird on the Swale N.N.R., was joined by a second bird between 8th January and 7th March. One remained until 16th March. |
Whitstable, single bird, 7th January, was probably one of the Swale birds. |
Brooksend, single bird, 16th March, was probably the returning Nether Hale bird from 2003. |
Minnis Bay, single bird, 16th March. |
Bockhill, one in off sea and flew north, 26th October. |
Foreness, one flying south-west, 29th October. |
Nether Hale, single bird, 27th November, was probably the same returning from 2003. |
Swale, the now regular wintering bird returned from 17th November, until the year end. |
2005 |
Swale, the regular wintering bird remained until 25th March, with a second bird present on east Sheppey from 21st-31st January. |
Nether Hale, single bird, presumed to be the same throughout was present on 12th and 23rd January, and on 7th March. |
Foreness, one present 18th-19th March. |
Bishopstone, one flew east, 5th April. |
Harty Marshes, what was presumably the returning Swale bird, was present from 10th-17th December. |
2006 |
Swale, presumably the same regular wintering bird remained until 11th March. |
Swale, single bird present, 20th November until 15th December. |
Seasalter, two birds, 2nd December. |
2007 |
Swale, one possibly two birds, remained on SE Sheppey until at least 4th March. |
Seasalter, briefly, 7th January. |
Sackett's Hill, Margate, single bird, 26th July. |
Swale NNR, presumably the same regular wintering bird returned on 30th November. |
2008 |
East Sheppey, various sites, single bird, presumably from winter 2007, until 4th March. |
East Sheppey, presumably the same regular wintering bird returned on 8th December. |
2009 |
East Sheppey, various sites, single bird, presumably from winter 2008, until 16th March. |
Sandwich Bay, single bird, possibly East Sheppey bird, 24th March. |
East Sheppey, presumably the same regular wintering bird returned on 16th December. |
2010 |
Swale NNR, single bird, 7th February, was almost certainly the same bird as December 2009. |
Dungeness, single bird, 1st April. |
Dungeness, single bird, 21st October. |
Reculver/Minnis, two birds, 28th October, one staying until end of year. |
2012 |
Abbotscliffe and Aycliffe, single bird, 12th May. |
Dungeness, presumed same bird, 13th May. |
2013 |
Swale NNR, single bird, 23rdJanuary until 23rd March. |
Swale NNR, possibly same bird, 19th December. |
2014 |
East Sheppey, the regular bird lingered around from December 2013 until at least Jan 24th. |
Seasalter, single bird, 5th March. |
Sandwich Bay, single bird, 12th-13th April. |
Dungeness BO, single bird, 3rd May. |
East Sheppey, the regular bird re-appeared on 30th November and remained in the area until the end of the year. |
2015 |
East Sheppey, the regular bird lingered around from December 2013 until at least 3rd March, re-appearing again from 28th December into 2016. |
2016 |
East Sheppey, the regular bird lingered around from December 2015 until at least 4th March, re-appearing again on 11th December. |
Seasalter, single bird, 17th March. |
Foreness, single bird, 26th March. |
Dungeness, single bird, 3rd-7th April. |
Abbotscliffe, single bird, 23rd April. |
Foreness, single bird, 1st May. |
Halling, single bird, 23rd-30th August. |
Manston, single bird, 23rd October. |
2017 |
Harty Ferry, single bird, 11th January. |
Seasalter, single bird, 10th March. |
Cliftonville, single bird, 11th March. |
Sheppey, single bird, 18th-30th December. |
2018 |
East Sheppey and Seasalter, this regular bird lingered around from the beginning of January until 9th March. |
Graveney Marshes, single bird, 25th February. |
Wingham, single bird, 4th March. |
Conyer, single bird, 14th March. |
Bockhill, single bird, 26th March. |
Pegwell Bay, single bird, 3rd May. |
2019 |
Reculver Marshes, single bird, possibly the returning bird from previous years, 24th- 26th January. |
Dungeness/Lade, single bird, 24th February. |
2021 | Greatstone/Dungeness, single bird, 5th-22nd June. |
Dungeness, single bird, in off sea, 31st October. | |
Foreness, single bird, 4th November. | |
2022 | Swalecliffe, single bird, 9th-10th April. |
2023 | Dungeness, single bird, 1st-20th April. |
North Foreland, single bird, 11th April. | |
Foreness/North Foreland, single bird, 26th-27th April. | |
Dungeness, single bird, 29th April. | |
Coldharbour, Reculver, single bird flew west, 11th May. | |
Graveney, single bird, 3rd June. | |
Bockhill, single bird, 23rd September. | |
Swalecliffe, single bird, 22nd October, and 3rd November. |