Hippolais icterina

Rare Vagrant


Eythorne, near Dover, single bird shot, 15th June


Kentish Knock, single bird, 22nd September.


Dungeness, two birds, 12th September.


Benenden, single bird, 6th August.


Dungeness BO, single bird trapped, 2nd September.


Dungeness BO, single bird trapped lighthouse garden, 2nd September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 25th September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 21st May.


Dungeness, single bird, 16th–18th September.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird trapped, 4th September.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird, 5th May.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird trapped, 22nd September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 14th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 1st September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 5th September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 14th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 22nd August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 26th August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 17th September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 18th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 9th September.


Northward Hill, single bird, 8th October.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird, 8th August.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird, 11th August.


Dungeness BO, single bird, 11th August.


Sandwich Bay BO, two birds, 15th September.


Dungeness BO, single bird, 19th September.


Sandwich Bay BO, single bird trapped, 6th September.


Dungeness BO, a single bird trapped was the observatories 100,000th ringed bird, 8th October.


Dungeness, single bird, 28th May.


Dungeness, single bird, 12th August.


Sandwich Bay BO, two birds, 21st August, with one remaining until the following day.


Dungeness, single bird, 24th August.


Sandwich Bay BO, two birds, one of which was trapped, 10th September.


Shorne, single bird, 7th September.


Sandwich Bay, first-year bird trapped, 11th September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 26th May.


Worth village, single bird seen, 16th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 24th September.

1974 Dungeness, singled bird trapped, 30th August.
  Dungeness, singled bird trapped, 16th September.


Dungeness, two birds trapped, 17th May.


Whitstable, single bird seen and heard singing, 14th-17th June.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 24th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 25th August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 2nd September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 3rd September. This, or the previous days bird, remained in the area until 16th.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 22nd September.


Northward Hill, single bird seen and heard, 21st May.


Dungeness, single bird, 1st September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 30th September.


Richborough Power Station, singing male, 22nd May, with possibly the same bird seen again at nearby Stonelees on 29th.


Dungeness, two singles, 14th-19th August.


Foreness Point, single bird, 17th August.


Shellness, Sheppey, single bird, 20th-21st August.


Dungeness, four birds, 20th August.


Dungeness, two birds, 21st August.


Sandwich Bay, one of two birds was trapped on 21st August, being retrapped on 26th. The second bird was trapped on 24th and never seen again.        


Dungeness, two birds, 23rd August.


Dungeness, one bird, 27th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird was trapped, 23rd September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 27th May.


St. Margaret’s, single bird, 19th September.


In North, male singing, 8th-10th May.


Upstreet, male singing, 1st July.


Dungeness, single bird trapped on 20th August, remained until 25th.


Dungeness, single bird, 1st September.


Margate, single bird, 6th-7th September.


Dungeness, single bird, 16th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 23rd September.


Dungeness, single bird, 23rd September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 27th October.


Sandwich Bay, bird in song, 14th May.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 14th-15th June.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 21st September.


Sandwich Bay, singing male, 2nd June.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 9th August.


Dartford Marsh, single bird, 14th August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 31st August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 28th August until 6th September.


Foreness, single bird, 2nd-6th September.


Sandwich Bay, second bird, 6th September.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 1st August.


Margate, single bird, 1st August.


Margate, two birds, 29th August.


Foreness, three birds, 1st-20th September.


St. Margaret’s, single bird, 24th September.


Near Sandwich, single bird, found dead 24th September.


Foreness, single bird, 6th May.


Margate, single bird, 18th June.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 30th July.


Stodmarsh, single bird, 14th August.


Northdown Park, Margate, single bird, 27th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 30th August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 30th August, remaining until 7th September.


St. Margaret’s, single bird, 31st August.


Dungeness, second bird trapped, 7th September.


Margate, six individuals, 4th August until 24th September.


Foreness, nine individuals, 9th August until 26th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 23rd May.


Margate, single bird, 23rd May.


Margate, two birds, 25th May.


Dungeness, two birds, 27th-28th May.


Dengemarsh, single bird, 28th May.


Foreness, single bird, June 3rd.


Lympne, single bird, 21st July.


Dungeness, single bird, 11th August.


Margate, single bird, 11th August.


Margate, single bird, 18th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 2nd September.


Dungeness, single bird, 4th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 6th September.


Foreness, single bird, 18th September.


Margate, single bird, 21st-28th September.


Dungeness, single bird, 28th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 26th May.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 18th June.


Dungeness, single bird, 17th August.


Margate, single bird, 29th-30th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 11th September remaining until 25th.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 10th June.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 12th August.


Sandwich Bay, another bird trapped, 13th August.


Foreness, single bird, 27th May.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 4th-5th August.


Dungeness, single bird, 30th August.


Foreness, single bird, 30th August.


Foreness, another bird, 1st September.


Warden Point, Sheppey, single bird, 1st September.


Foreness, single bird, 23rd September.


Foreness, single bird, 12th May.


Dungeness, single bird, 13th May.


Foreness, single bird, 24th May.


Dungeness, single bird, 6th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 1st October.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 9th August.


Dungeness, two first-year birds, 2nd September.


Sandwich Bay, one first-year bird, 3rd September.


Foreness, one first-year bird, 5th September.


Foreness, single bird, 30th May.


Foreness, single bird, 27th August.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 28th August.


Allhallows, single bird, 2nd September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 31st May.


Langdon, male in song, 6th July.


Dungeness, single bird trapped, 26th August.


Grain, single bird, 1st September.


Warden Point, Sheppey, single bird, 2nd-3rd September.


Stodmarsh, single bird, 18th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 20th August.


Minnis Bay, single bird, 20th August.


Shuart, single bird, 21st August.


Grain, single bird, 26th September.


Western Heights, Dover, single bird, 1st September.


Minnis Bay, single bird, 6th September.


Reculver, two birds, 14th September.


Dungeness, single bird, 18th May.


Dungeness, single bird, 25th May.


Foreness, single bird, 2nd June.


St. Peter’s, single bird, 22nd August.


Bishopstone, single bird, 25th August.


Dungeness, single bird, 7th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 14th September.


Swalecliffe, single bird, 20th May.


Foreness, single bird, 19th August.


Foreness, another single bird, 23rd August.


Gazen Salts, Sandwich, single bird, 6th September.


Bockhill, single bird, 8th-10th September.


North Foreland, single bird, 20th-21st September.


North Foreland, a second bird, 21st September.


Dungeness, single bird, 7th August.


Bockhill, single bird, 10th August.


Leysdown, Sheppey, single bird, 10th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 13th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 6th September.


Weirton Hill Farm, single bird, 14th September.


Dungeness, singing male, 19th May.


Sandwich Bay, three birds, 19th May.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 11th June.


Dungeness, trapping area, second bird, 11th June.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 16th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 24th August.


Grain, single bird, 29th August.


Samphire Hoe, single bird, 28th August.


Abbotscliffe, single bird, 15th August.


Dungeness BO, single bird, 16th August.


Dungeness BO, single bird, 25th May.


Bockhill, one singing male, 29th May.


Dungeness BO, single bird, 25th August.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 30th August.


Warden Point, Sheppey, 1st-2nd September.


Sandwich Bay, two birds, 13th May.


Dungeness, male bird, 13th May.


Dungeness, three individuals, 14th May.


St. Margaret’s-at-Cliffe, single bird, 1st June.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 12th August.


Dungeness BO, two individuals, 28th August.


Sandwich Bay, adult female trapped, 27th July.


Reculver, a male bird, 20th May.


The Cellars, Sandwich, single bird, 25th May.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 3rd September.


Bishopstone, a singing male, 28th June to 1st July.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 14th August.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 31st August to 1st September.

  Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 7th September.


Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped, 25th August.

2020 Sandwich Bay, single bird trapped and ringed, 14th August, and retrapped again two days later.
  Leysdown-on-Sea, single bird, 31st August.
2021 Penshurst, single bird, 16th June.
2022 Dungeness BO, single bird, trapped and ringed, 2nd June.
2023 Sandwich Bay, single bird, ringed, 19th August.
  Bockhill, single bird, 20th August.

No Longer Accepted


Crockham Hill, Edenbridge, single bird shot, 15th May.


King’s Wood, Chilham, single bird, spring (no exact date).

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