Remiz pendulinus

Rare Vagrant, though now almost annual at Dungeness


Stodmarsh, male, 18th May.


St. Margaret's Bay, 17th and 27th October.


Stodmarsh, male, 21st November.


Stodmarsh, male, 1st-25th March, same as 1983 individual.


Dungeness, female/first-year, 13th October.


Stodmarsh, first-year, trapped, 25th October.


Westbere, 21st December.


Garrington, Littlebourne, male, at nest, 21st April to 1st May.


Sandwich Bay, adult and first-winter, 9th-10th October, first-winter trapped, 9th.


Pegwell Bay, male, 14th October.


Dungeness, 30th-31st October.


Dungeness, adult, two juveniles, 1st-6th November.


Dungeness, juvenile, 15th-17th November.


Dungeness, adult, 15th-16th November.


Dungeness, five, including one male, 4th-18th March; two, 7th October; male, 28th October and 1st November.


Dungeness, juvenile 13th October; juvenile, 19th October; adult and two juveniles, 27th October to 22nd March 1996.


Dungeness, male, 19th-21st October.


Singleton Lake, Ashford, two males.


New Hythe, 14th-17th March.


Dungeness, male and one other, 26th-28th October; male, same bird as E. Sussex.


Dungeness, another male [see 26th-28th October], 6th November to 19th February 1998, possibly to 14th March 1998.


Dungeness, male, 20th November.


Dungeness, another male, 20th November to 14th March 1999.


Dungeness, intermittently, 28th October to 29th December.


Dungeness, age uncertain, 22nd October.


Dungeness BO, 2 birds flew overhead, 23rd October.


Dungeness, five birds, 2 male, female, and 2 juveniles, 24th October.


Dungeness, juvenile, 10th November.


Dungeness BO, 2 birds, 26th October.


Dungeness, 14th November.


Stodmarsh, female, 11th-12th January.


New Hythe GP, 4th April.


Grove Ferry, 9th November.


Swanscombe, single bird, 29th-30th January.


North Stream, Sandwich Bay, single bird, 13th October.


Dungeness, four birds, the first arriving on 25th October and the last on 27th

November, remained until year end.


ARC pits, three birds, from previous year, until 26th January, and again from 23rd March until 5th April.


Grove Ferry, up to three birds, 25th January until 3rd April.


ARC pits, three birds, 23rd March until 6th April.


ARC pits, male, 23rd-27th October, and again 4th December.


Dungeness RSPB, adult male, 17th February until 21st March.


Dungeness RSPB, adult male, presumed same, 15th October until 28th December.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 20th February until 3rd March. This individual

returned in the autumn between 15th October and 13thNovember.


Oare Marshes, single bird, 30th-31st October.


Grove Ferry, one bird appeared6th November, rising to four birds by 9th with

one remaining until the 13th.


Shuart Farm, single bird, on 8th November. Flew off in the direction of Grove

Ferry, and was almost certainly one of the four seen there on the 9th.


Stodmarsh, male, 5th January, and again on 6th-11th February, and was

joined by a female on 10th February until 6th April.


Dungeness RSPB, two birds, 9th February.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 10thApril.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 20th April.


Dungeness RSPB, single fly-over bird, 30th September.


Dungeness RSPB, juvenile bird, 26th October.


Dungeness RSPB, two birds including and adult male, 15th February until the 9th March.


Dungeness RSPB, two birds, 6th-24th January.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 4th and 11th February.


Grove Ferry, single bird, 21st-25th January and again 18th-25th March.


Grove Ferry, single bird, 16th and 30th November.

2020 Stodmarsh NNR, adult bird, 24th January.
2022 Elmley NNR (Brickfields), two birds, 10th-17th December.
2023 Elmley NNR (Brick Fields), up to four birds, from 2022, 17th January until 1st April, with one being seen again on 22nd December.
  Dungeness RSPB, male, 2nd-3rd April.
  Oare Marshes, single bird, 22nd-30th April.

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