Remiz pendulinus
Rare Vagrant, though now almost annual at Dungeness
1980 |
Stodmarsh, male, 18th May. |
1983 |
St. Margaret's Bay, 17th and 27th October. |
Stodmarsh, male, 21st November. |
1984 |
Stodmarsh, male, 1st-25th March, same as 1983 individual. |
1988 |
Dungeness, female/first-year, 13th October. |
Stodmarsh, first-year, trapped, 25th October. |
Westbere, 21st December. |
1990 |
Garrington, Littlebourne, male, at nest, 21st April to 1st May. |
1991 |
Sandwich Bay, adult and first-winter, 9th-10th October, first-winter trapped, 9th. |
Pegwell Bay, male, 14th October. |
Dungeness, 30th-31st October. |
1993 |
Dungeness, adult, two juveniles, 1st-6th November. |
Dungeness, juvenile, 15th-17th November. |
Dungeness, adult, 15th-16th November. |
1994 |
Dungeness, five, including one male, 4th-18th March; two, 7th October; male, 28th October and 1st November. |
1995 |
Dungeness, juvenile 13th October; juvenile, 19th October; adult and two juveniles, 27th October to 22nd March 1996. |
1996 |
Dungeness, male, 19th-21st October. |
Singleton Lake, Ashford, two males. |
1997 |
New Hythe, 14th-17th March. |
Dungeness, male and one other, 26th-28th October; male, same bird as E. Sussex. |
Dungeness, another male [see 26th-28th October], 6th November to 19th February 1998, possibly to 14th March 1998. |
1998 |
Dungeness, male, 20th November. |
Dungeness, another male, 20th November to 14th March 1999. |
1999 |
Dungeness, intermittently, 28th October to 29th December. |
2000 |
Dungeness, age uncertain, 22nd October. |
2002 |
Dungeness BO, 2 birds flew overhead, 23rd October. |
2003 |
Dungeness, five birds, 2 male, female, and 2 juveniles, 24th October. |
Dungeness, juvenile, 10th November. |
2004 |
Dungeness BO, 2 birds, 26th October. |
2005 |
Dungeness, 14th November. |
2006 |
Stodmarsh, female, 11th-12th January. |
New Hythe GP, 4th April. |
Grove Ferry, 9th November. |
2007 |
Swanscombe, single bird, 29th-30th January. |
2008 |
North Stream, Sandwich Bay, single bird, 13th October. |
2009 |
Dungeness, four birds, the first arriving on 25th October and the last on 27th November, remained until year end. |
2010 |
ARC pits, three birds, from previous year, until 26th January, and again from 23rd March until 5th April. |
Grove Ferry, up to three birds, 25th January until 3rd April. |
ARC pits, three birds, 23rd March until 6th April. |
ARC pits, male, 23rd-27th October, and again 4th December. |
2011 |
Dungeness RSPB, adult male, 17th February until 21st March. |
Dungeness RSPB, adult male, presumed same, 15th October until 28th December. |
2012 |
Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 20th February until 3rd March. This individual returned in the autumn between 15th October and 13thNovember. |
Oare Marshes, single bird, 30th-31st October. |
Grove Ferry, one bird appeared6th November, rising to four birds by 9th with one remaining until the 13th. |
Shuart Farm, single bird, on 8th November. Flew off in the direction of Grove Ferry, and was almost certainly one of the four seen there on the 9th. |
2013 |
Stodmarsh, male, 5th January, and again on 6th-11th February, and was joined by a female on 10th February until 6th April. |
Dungeness RSPB, two birds, 9th February. |
Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 10thApril. |
Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 20th April. |
Dungeness RSPB, single fly-over bird, 30th September. |
Dungeness RSPB, juvenile bird, 26th October. |
2014 |
Dungeness RSPB, two birds including and adult male, 15th February until the 9th March. |
2016 |
Dungeness RSPB, two birds, 6th-24th January. |
Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 4th and 11th February. |
2019 |
Grove Ferry, single bird, 21st-25th January and again 18th-25th March. |
Grove Ferry, single bird, 16th and 30th November. |
2020 | Stodmarsh NNR, adult bird, 24th January. |
2022 | Elmley NNR (Brickfields), two birds, 10th-17th December. |
2023 | Elmley NNR (Brick Fields), up to four birds, from 2022, 17th January until 1st April, with one being seen again on 22nd December. |
Dungeness RSPB, male, 2nd-3rd April. | |
Oare Marshes, single bird, 22nd-30th April. |