Anser fabalis

Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor


Cooling Marshes, three, with White-fronts, 13th January.


Capel, single bird with White-fronts, 4th February.


Cooling, party of five showed the characteristics of this race, 21st February.


Cliffe Marshes, a flock of eleven, 31st January.


Minnis Bay, single bird, 24th March.


Sandwich Bay, single bird, 9th-10th November.


Sheppey, up to five birds, sporadically between 4th January and 18th February.


Reculver, flock of thirteen, 3rd January.


St. Nicholas-at-Wade, six birds, 8th March.


Stodmarsh, two birds, 20th March. Wade Marsh, Minnis Bay,


Sandwich Bay, four birds present, 27th March.


Thames Marshes, party of six, 26th February.


An exceptional year for Bean Goose, with up to two hundred birds reported, with the largest flock having 69 birds. Birds of both races were involved county wide, but no detailed analysis was possible.


Scotney, five birds, 20th February until 2nd March, with two present on 13th and 31st March.


Hayesden, single bird, 6th March, was probably an escape.


Sandwich Bay, two birds, 16th October, with seven present two days later.


Scotney, at least one bird of a flock of sixteen birds was a Taiga Bean, 1st-9th February.


Wade Marshes, Minnis Bay, four birds, 24th December to year end.


Wade Marshes, a single bird among flock of ten Tundra’s, A. serrirostris, 10th-15th February.


Scotney, two birds were present from 26th January, and were reported sporadically until 3rd April, with a third bird present on 14th March.


Dungeness/Scotney area, single bird, 17th May.


Dungeness RSPB, four birds present, 15th December, with two on 21st, and one on 27th.


Scotney Court, a flock of sixteen, 5th December.


Dengemarsh area, three birds, 18th February to 6th March.


Cliffe Pools, two birds, 15th February, then frequented Higham Marshes area until 13th March.


Walland Marsh, single bird, 29th December into 2007.


Walland Marsh, from 2006 until 7th January.


Dungeness RSPB, possibly same bird as Walland Marsh, 3rd February, and again at Scotney Court GP on 4th February.


Sandwich Bay, two birds, 6th-7th January.


Dumpton, single bird, 11th January, with possibly the same bird at Collard's Lake, Stodmarsh, on 14th, remained until 17th March.


Reculver, four birds, 14th January.


Scotney Court GP, five birds, 16th-22nd December, increased to twelve on 27th.


Cheney Court, Walland, two birds, 16th December.


Elmley, nine birds, 24th December.


Dungeness RSPB, single bird, 12th-16th March.


Dungeness, single bird, 25th March.


Sandwich, five birds, 22nd October until 20th November.


Chetney, four birds, 5th December.


St. Nicholas-at-Wade, single bird, on 9th January, with two birds present from 30th January until 24th February, also being seen at nearby Monkton during this period.

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