Calidris fuscicollis
Rare Vagrant
1945 |
Sandwich Bay, 17th August. |
1960 |
Sandwich, 2nd October. |
1977 |
Bough Beech Reservoir, 27th August. |
Grain, 4th September. |
Reculver, 3rd October. |
1978 |
Sandwich Bay, adult, 1st August. |
1980 |
Cliffe Pools, adult, 2nd-11th August. |
Dungeness, adult, 15th-21st September; trapped 15th. |
Elmley, juvenile and first-winter or adult, 12th-23rd October. |
Cliffe Pools, another, 18th-22nd October. |
1981 |
Elmley, 15th September. |
1984 |
Grain, 16th-19th September. |
Grain, another, 30th September to 7th October. |
1986 |
Worth Marshes, 9th April. |
1994 |
Cliffe Pools, adult, 12th-14th August. |
1995 |
Reculver, adult, 5th-6th August. |
Sandwich Bay, adult, 5th-8th September. |
1996 |
Pegwell Bay, adult, 26th July. |
Elmley, adult, 28th July. |
Elmley, adult, 3rd September. |
1998 |
Elmley, adult, 17th-18th July. |
Pegwell Bay, adult, 29th-30th July. |
Oare Marshes, adult, 19th-26th August. |
1999 |
Cliffe Pools, juvenile, 28th October. |
2000 |
Elmley, adult, 5th-9th August. |
Grove Ferry, juvenile, 15th October. |
2002 |
Grove Ferry, adult, 20th July. |
2005 |
Shellness, adult, 4th July. |
Cliffe Pools RSPB, first-winter, 24th October. |
2006 |
Dengemarsh, juvenile, 8th October. |
2008 |
Grove Ferry, adult, 19th-20th June. |
2009 |
Elmley, adult, 13th-14th August. |
2010 |
Oare Marshes, adult, 16th-30th September. |
2011 |
Dungeness, single bird, 14th August. |
2015 |
Oare Marshes, adult bird, 11th-20th August. |
2017 |
Oare Marshes, adult bird, 15th July. |
2018 |
Oare Marshes, adult bird, 21st July. |
2024 | Dungeness RSPB, adult bird, 27th July. |