Linaria flavirostris

Increasingly irregular and steadily declining passage migrant and winter visitor. Rare inland.


In 2014 the KOSRP decided to make Twite, a reportable species, requiring at least a written description of any future records. The following are those records accepted since that time.

2014  Foreness, two birds, 3rd November.
  South Swale, two birds, 6th November.
  Sandwich Bay, three birds, 8th November.
  Great Bells Farm RSPB, Sheppey, five birds, 24th November.
2015 Pegwell Bay, two birds, 5th January.
  Swale NNR, eight birds, 8th January.
  Backsand Point, Sandwich, two birds, 24th January.
  New Downs Farm, Sandwich, single bird, 7th February.
  Pegwell Bay, single bird, 6th April.
  Pegwell Bay, two birds, 4th November.
  Pegwell Bay, single bird, 26th November.
2016 Pegwell Bay, two birds, intermittently from 15th January until 12th March.
  Sandwich Bay, single bird, 5th March.
  Bockhill, single bird, 15th November. This bird had been colour-ringed on 13th September at Dove Holes, Derbyshire, and seen at Dunwich, Suffolk, on the 25th October.
  Walmer, two birds, 21st October. 
  Pegwell Bay, up to three birds, between 20th-26th October.
  North Foreland, two birds, 6th November.
2017 Shellness, Sheppey, eight birds, 17th October.
  Swale NNR, single bird, 26th November.
2018 Lydd-on-Sea, up to four birds, 1st-5th November.
  Conyer, two birds, first seen on 30th November and 1st December, with one remaining until the year end.
2019 Conyer, single bird, remained from previous year until 4th January.
2020 Eastchurch Marshes, Sheppey, single bird, 22nd February.
2023 Pegwell Bay, two birds, 26th November until 31st December.
2024 Pegwell Bay, two birds, remained from 2023 until 28th January.

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